About Kozmoz International
Welcome to Kozmoz International
As you browse our pages you will read about our many different local and international activities and programs. Though we engage in a wide variety of activities our focus is clear and unchanging. We were founded in 1987 with the goal of sharing the wealth of the developed nations like America with their underprivileged neighbors. We believe that those of us fortunate enough to have been born in the first world have a responsibility to support those in need as we may ourselves be in need some day. We believe that we are our brothers keeper and this is what separates us from most of the animal kingdom. We are apolitical and though our roots are Christian, our goal is to include people of all political backgrounds and faiths who share our hope for a better future.
Below are some recent questions we have fielded and I hope as you read through them, it will help give you a clearer understanding our our creed.
What are Kozmoz Internationals goals?
Our goals are simply to feed the hungry and clothe and house the poor as well as bring awareness of these needs to those that can help.
Do you really think you can make a difference?
Yes! Ordinary men and women like Hannibal, Galileo, Sakamoto Ryoma, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Mother Theresa all accomplished amazing things. I believe that working together we can do even more.
If your goals are welfare in nature, why do you have internship programs?
America alone does not possess the resource to alleviate the suffering in this world. For Kozmoz International to realize its goals, we need to incorporate the talent and wealth of the nations and to train and educate the next generation. The unassuming youth of today are the leaders, movers and shakers of the coming years and these programs help us to recruit and train our future staff.
And why do you focus so much on language training?
To effectively provide relief where it is needed throughout the world the ability to communicate across borders is indispensable. English is the language of the world and we need to train and enable our volunteers and future staff for the great task at hand. As we incorporate peoples of many cultures, the walls that have served to maintain the great social and economic differences between nations will deteriorate and enable our staff to be most effective.
And what about cultural exchange programs?
I will never forget the face of the 16 year old Chinese boy in Guangzhou who told me that he thinks all Japanese people are evil and the world would better if they were killed. The hatred in his eyes haunts me to this day, and reflects the loss that his family suffered at the hands of the Japanese army during the 30's. Most of the social ills that plague us today are results of unresolved conflicts throughout history. Just as we are unable to trust those around us that have not acknowledged when they have harmed us, so it is with nations that have not acknowledged the social injustices from throughout history. The bitterness is passed down from generation to generation. These things will never change with out more cultural awareness, and people groups seeking forgiveness for the failures of the past. This only becomes possible when the people of the wealthy nations understand the source of that wealth. Sometimes people having the opportunity to view their culture and history from the outside are more fully able to understand it.
You speak of supporting peoples dreams, Do you really support every body's dreams?
Of course not. We are not here to assist people in obtaining designer brand name bags and amass fortunes for example. We support people whose dreams align with our creed. As 10 percent of the earths population controls 90 percent of that wealth, I can safely assume that we are supporting the 90 percent that are wondering if they are going to have enough to eat over the coming year, do not possess access to sanitary drinking water, and are hoping for adequate housing, education and medical care.
How is Kozmoz International supported financially?
Kozmoz International is completely supported by its members, staff, and participants in its programs. We do not receive any support from governmental, political or religious organizations. From its founding, Kozmoz International has been committed to self funding so as not to be subject to pressure or favor from political or religious organizations.
Where does the money go?
100% of Kozmoz Internationals income goes to logistic and on site expenses. All of the staff of Kozmoz International are volunteering their time, resource and talent. Even our founder and director draws no salary.
What is the difference between Kozmoz International and other like groups?
Of course I can not speak for other groups, what I can say is that we have a unique approach to what we do and that is very family in nature. All of the people that are associated with Kozmoz International play a significant role. Whether it be our English students, volunteer staff, internship students or participants in our various cultural exchange programs, each persons participation is directly linked to our success. We meet and have many participate in our activities, some will participate for a short time and some are committed to standing with us over the long term, but each and everyone leaves a lasting impression on us and the world .
In the end analysis, how would you describe Kozmoz International as an organization?
Kozmoz International is you and I working together to impact the future. Kozmoz International is Grandma Katy baking those delicious cookies, Brett handing a plate of beans, rice, and a doughnut to kids in Mexico, Sean and Eri making and handing out bowls of chili for their college culture festival in Kyoto, Caston teaching English classes to little Japanese kids, Donna trying to manage all the logistics at our office in America and make sure everyone gets where they are supposed to get to. It is our other Sean building safe houses in Mexico for families that have never had a house with 4 walls and a roof before, Tomomi translating the pages for this homepage, Kanami and other staff teaching Japanese to foreign children in Japan. It is Hirotake maintaining our computers and fixing our mistakes, and Sayuri trying to become skilled in English just as she is in her native tongue and Kalisha, Channa, Sean, Zak, Michelle, Sarah, Jon, Mallory and all of our past teachers teaching English as a Second language. Not to mention Yuki, Kaori, Kumi, Chieko, Kanami, Eri, Emi, and all the other participants in our American ESL programs. And finally it is our director Barry believing that all these simple seemingly unrelated events will make a difference in our children's future. Is there some way you might fit in?
We appreciate your time, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask us! And if you would like to support us, or participate in some of our activities please contact us.
Thank You,
Barry Wyatt
Kozmoz International Director