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Kozmoz Kansai Food Bank is primarily self supported through Social Enterprises operated by Kozmoz International such as Family English Schools, Kozmoz New York Cafe, and Kozmoz Juku.
Private financial donations can be sent using the paypal link on the front page. If you would like to wire of furikomi your donations, please contact us for details.
Company donations are also accepted. Kozmoz has strict guidlines regarding the acceptance of donations so please contact us if you would like to make a financial contibution.
Food Donations:
Private food donations are accepted at the Kozmoz Center in Fushimi Ku Kyoto. All donations must be un-opened and not past the expiration date. Fruits and Vegetables are accepted based on their condition. A pick up service is available for donations so please feel free to contact us for availablity.
Commercial donations will be picked up by truck when scheduled. If your company has food stocks that they would like to donate, please contact us for a scheduled pickup.
Other needs:
2 ton truck
Bongo Hiace size van
K van
Auto body work
Auto repairs