June 18th Kansai Earthquake

June 18th Kansai Earthquake

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It’s the community stupid

Back in 1992 Bil Clinton won the presidential election because his campaign was able to boil down the general disatisfaction of the electorate in one simple phrase. "Its the economy stupid". It cut through all the confusion and people could really relate to what they were experiencing personally. It just hit home.  While enjoying a scrumptious […]

Contact Page Fixed;)

Thank you to the intern applicant that called and let us know that the contact form was not sending messages, we have corrected the problem. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help maintain or update this website, please drop us a line! Kozmoz International 

300,000 kgs delivered in 2013!

Last year Kozmoz and the community members of Kansai joined forces to provide over 300,000 kg of food products to the less fortunate in their community absolutely for free. What makes this so amazing is that in a time of government cutbacks, community members decided that they were not willing to watch their neighbors suffer […]

Is there room for a New God?

Playing God with our Food We talk alot about Food Security here. That is the ability for everyone to procure the base required amount of calories and nutrients daily. But there is another looming threat to Food Security that has become increasingly widespread. It is called the Gene Revolution in which scientists are modifying the […]

Sometimes things just go whack…

Imagine you are a working mom of 5, trying to make ends meet, raise the kids be a good wife, expecting everything to go just like it does on the TV shows and suddenly… one night your husband does not come home. Nor does he come home the next night, or the night after… And […]

Too busy to volunteer?

Meet Alan Gibson( on the left), our man on the ground in Kobe Japan. Alan coordinates weekly pickups of fresh fruit at the Port of Hyogo for the Kozmoz Kansai Food Bank.  Raising kids and working can really take up your day, but Alan takes busy to a new level, heading up the new Japanese […]

Real People, Real Needs

Each week, hundreds line up rain or shine at this public housing complex in South Kyoto to receive food donations from Kozmoz International. The people are real, the needs are real, and the needs wont go away until there are some fundamental changes made in our society. These people are not homeless, they are hard […]

A time to reflect

June 11th to 24th at Ryukoku University in South Kyoto there will be a gallery display of photographs taken after the Great Eastern Japanese Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami of March 11th 2011. This is a good chance to remember and reflect upon the enourmity of the disaster, the staggering loss of life and property, and […]


The other morning I found this note in the Kozmoz mailbox along with a 200 yen donation.  For those that dont read Japanese the note says…  "I receive public assistance. My rent sucks up most of my welfare allowance and the only way I could ever eat a pastry is to take something out of […]

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